Marketing planning in micro and small food and beverage companies
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of design and execution of strategic, tactical and operational marketing in micro and small food and beverage companies located in the province of Pichincha. The research considered was based on a quantitative study with a descriptive and transversal design where information was collected from 195 food and beverage establishments through a survey where three fundamental dimensions were considered: strategic marketing planning, tactical marketing planning and operational marketing planning. The results indicate that there are activities that correspond to operational and tactical planning that are carried out occasionally, rarely or never, which can affect the fulfillment of marketing objectives, with "budget definition" being the criterion that is least taken into consideration in a marketing plan. In conclusion, it is important for the development of a marketing plan to take into account the analysis, action and execution of the paradigmatic model for the development of marketing planning, taking into account the strategic, tactical and operational planning approach.
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