Origen, evolución y realidades de las empresas públicas universitarias en el Ecuador
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This article carries out an extensive review of the legal status of public university enterprises in Ecuador, for which it examines the theoretical, legal, educational and economic foundation that allows the creation of public university enterprises in public higher education institutions and the different services and / or products that they offer. Through a documentary review of the organic law of higher education, of public companies and internal regulations, a documentary analysis was developed that includes the time evolution of these companies, to then establish an updated comparative framework of existing companies that register particularities among them. from the social object of its creation. It was found that many public companies have different control bodies that respond to the different university realities, as well as being created as a way to create additional resources in the universities in the face of the permanent problems of budgetary financing by the central government, in the majority of the cases analyzed, there is no true linkage of the knowledge created in research institutes, departments or academics that are part of these higher education institutions with the private, community and local public sectors in the provinces in which these organizations carry out business activities productive university.
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