Propuesta de un modelo para analizar y medir la percepción de la calidad de servicio en los programas de cuarto nivel
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The purpose of the following article is to propose a model that will enable us to analyze perception and effectiveness of the quality of service of fourth level program students in Ecuador. Currently, governmental agencies have enhanced their regulations to evaluate institutes which offer higher education. Methodology used for this experimentation, was mainly observation. We went through many articles of authors which focused on elaborating different kinds of models pointing to evaluation of quality of service of existing educational institutes, such as Serqual, Servperf and DIHEQS. The proposed model is "Perceived quality of post-grades". This model includes the following features: a) Teachers and teaching. b) Curricular contents. c) Technology and communications. d) Additional activities. and e) Organization and management, which are focused on loyalty and becomes a competitive advantage for the education institutes.
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