Tourism Marketing: from a bibliometric perspective in adventure sports

Erick Daniel Guizado-Toscano, Juan Carlos Castro-Analuiza, Patricio Medina-Chicaiza


Influence of personal characteristics and environmental factors on entrepreneurial intention in university students

Youseline Garavito-Hernández, Sebastián García-Méndez, William Eduardo Ramírez-Torres, Carlos Avellaneda-Rueda


Restaurant MSMEs transformation in the view of the new normality; an analysis from the customer behavior

Miriam Janet Olmos-Hernandez, Gloria Georgina Icaza-Castro , Arlén Sánchez-Valdés, Carlos Hugo Millán-García


Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and their impact on employee performance

Carlos Mamani-Guzmán, Tania Yolanda Palacios-Sarmiento, María Belén Priori-Flores, Anisleydi Tellez-Pérez


Knowledge management and change management: Bibliometric Study

Taryns Elizabeth García-Ramos, Ana Luisa López-Brunett, María Rosa Wright-Garzón, Nury Varas-Espinoza
