Standardization of the questionnaire to measure the management skills in the tourism sector

Irma Milagros Carhuancho Mendoza, Luis Guillermo Sicheri Monteverde , Fernando Alexis Nolazco Labajos, José Abel De la Torre Tejada


Evaluation of the Dimensions of Organizational Learning Model - DLOQ

Carlos Anibal Manosalvas Vaca, Roxanna Palma León, Luis Manosalvas Vaca, Cecilia Aguirre


The Balanced Scorecard in the Development of Family Businesses

Julio Cesar Mendez Bravo, Haybee Jossety Ayala Briones, Srta., Tania Yolanda Palacios Sarmiento


Analysis of the External Communication Method of the Analucila Jewelry Design brand

Fernando Jose Zambrano Farias, María Stefanie De La Vera Guillén, Kerlly Teresa Yance Jácome
