Applicability of questionnaires applied to sensorial gastronomic tests
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Before launching a product to the market, from the gastronomic point of view, it is necessary to assess whether or not the different attributes that characterize it are accepted by the population. For this, it will be essential to carry out a sensory evaluation based on the organoleptic properties that this product presents through the perception generated with the help of the senses. This study aims to propose practical formats that allow the evaluation of certain criteria present in a culinary product, both analytically and affectively. As a final result, two basic instruments, technical and methodological in nature, are presented on a bibliographic basis, which are used for the development of gastronomic tests; a product orientation and another consumer orientation. Under this dynamic, it is concluded that, the existence of a sensory analysis tool will allow to measure the various organoleptic perceptions of foods that interact with the organs of the classical senses (sight, smell, taste, touch and auditory), which are found interpreted in the appearance, smell, taste, texture and sound of a gastronomic product.
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