Parental acceptance, rejection and control in relation to sociodemographic characteristics of parents in Cuenca, Ecuador
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This descriptive and correlational study has a quantitative approach. This research is based on the need to identify the acceptance dimension - parental rejection for the positive exercise of paternity. The objective of this research was to determine how the dimensions of affection, rejection, and parental control relate to family typologies, age, gender and level of education of parents. The Rohner Parent Parq/Control survey was applied to 569 parents, whose children attend public and private schools of Cuenca, from first to seventh grade, and the Rohner & Khaleque Parent Parq/Control questionnaire (2005) was applied. In the statistical analysis, in addition to descriptive values, nonparametric statistical tests were used.
The results indicated that parents from Cuenca to frequently display affection and control, and barely express indifference, aggression and rejection. Also, it was found that affection and indifference do not depend on gender, age or level of education of parents. In addition, the study revealed that aggression, rejection and control are more common in parents who are under 36 years old. Parents that only attended primary school tend to express more control than the rest. Furthermore, affection is mostly displayed in nuclear families, whereas aggression, indifference, rejection and control are present in all the studied families. In conclusion, regardless of sociodemographic factors, most parents manifest acceptance, affection and control towards their children.
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