Contextualización del marketing de servicios y su relación con el marketing mix de servicios en el sector de alimentos y bebidas

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Diego Alfredo Salazar-Duque


The combination of the multiple products and services that make up the offer of the food and beverage sector are intended to satisfy the needs and desires that the consumer has at the gastronomic level. Currently the market is not limited to physical products also include services, activities or benefits as complementary attributes. However, there are certain gaps that hinder its success, which is due to ignorance about the elements or criteria that must be considered in order to generate and offer a quality service. The objective of this study is to understand the context in which the marketing of services is developed and its relationship with the marketing mix of services for the food and beverages sector, which is structured on the theoretical basis of several aspects from the model of the servucción, its elements and those conceptual foundations of the marketing mix of services.

Keywords: service marketing, servuccion, marketing mix, food and beverages, gastronomy



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How to Cite
Salazar-Duque, D. A. (2018). Contextualización del marketing de servicios y su relación con el marketing mix de servicios en el sector de alimentos y bebidas. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(2.1), 123–128.


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