The influence of the gender and the professional service in the managerial leadership in the education cooperatives

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Jesús López Belmonte
Antonio José Moreno Guerrero
Arturo Fuentes Cabrera


The education cooperatives emerged as a kind of alternative education centre facing the supremacy of the state and private centres. The cooperatives are considered the best education entities for receiving a quality service in the field of education. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of the gender and the work life of the teachers in relation to the leadership of these professionals who occupy managerial positions. The research method used is a descriptive and correlational one, with a quantitative analysis of the data obtained taking a sample that includes the whole number of teachers who form the education cooperatives of the Autonomous City of Ceuta. In order to know the relation among variables, the Chi-square Test was applied and in the cases where a relation exists, Phi and Cramer’s V Test was applied. The results were significant regarding the gender and the years of service of the teachers with respect to the leadership phenomenon in the managers of these education centres. They show that the variable of gender as well as the years they worked are not determining so as to develop an effective role. Nevertheless, the first one affects the assessment of the carried out management.


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López Belmonte, J., Moreno Guerrero, A. J., & Fuentes Cabrera, A. (2018). The influence of the gender and the professional service in the managerial leadership in the education cooperatives. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(10), 1–19.


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