Nueva propuesta para realizar una planificación microcurricular en el área de matemáticas

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Juan Fernando Barrazueta Samaniego
Fabián Eugenio Bravo Guerrero
César Augusto Trelles Zambrano


An important part of the teaching- learning process is the planning.  It helps teachers to guide their students due to the educator is able to identify the objectives, skills and evaluation criteria which were proposed   in the curriculum and will be addressed according to the subject studied.   In addition, the planning shows the best methodological strategies that will be applied, the resources that will be used during the performance of the topic, and the indicators for the performance criteria; it means, the aspects that allow to identify if the students acquired the minimum knowledge that are required and the techniques or instruments to be used in order to evaluate the new knowledge.


In the methodological strategies or learning activities space is where five interesting strategies are suggested which have improved the results in the teaching-learning process of the mathematic. These strategies are:  the relation, experimentation, application, cooperation and the transference, all of them known as REACT. The implementation of all these strategies in a planning makes the difference between a traditional and constructivist class, being the last one which have the best results in the mathematical education.


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How to Cite
Barrazueta Samaniego, J. F., Bravo Guerrero, F. E., & Trelles Zambrano, C. A. (2018). Nueva propuesta para realizar una planificación microcurricular en el área de matemáticas. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(9), 63–86.
Author Biography

Juan Fernando Barrazueta Samaniego, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador

Universidad de Cuenca.

Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación.

Carrera de MAtemáticas y Física.


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