The professional training of entrepreneurs in administrative and economic areas. Analysis of the ventures generated in the city of Quito

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Estefania Fernanda Salvador Tamayo
Rodrigo Fernando Hallo Alvear


Global business is developed based on the attitudes and aptitudes of the people who promote it and represents one of the drivers of the economy through the generation of employment. It can be assured that a country that does not do business, is a country that tends to fail; the relationship between business and economic development leads to a specific analysis that allows one to understand it. According to several authors, many small and medium-sized SMEs - which contribute greatly to the economies of the countries - appear as enterprises that are forming and growing over time. The action of undertaking includes certain qualities for the generation of new ideas, products and services that inspire an endless number of projects through two drivers: need and opportunity, always seeking sustainability over time through innovation linked to the satisfaction of the clients. With the aforementioned, a high percentage of opportunities for entrepreneurship is generated in Quito thanks to the support of institutions such as CONQUITO, AEI, SENESCYT Bank of Ideas, universities, among others; this stimulates the entrepreneurs to carry forward their ideas and enter the market to compete. One can not forget the significance of knowledge for entrepreneurship and how higher education generates a competitive advantage over other entrepreneurs. The present research seeks to arrive at quantitative diagnostic conclusions about the number of entrepreneurs in the city of Quito who have had their higher education in national or foreign higher education institutions, both public and private. This becomes the second part of an investigation whose final objective is to diagnose the variables that have led the ventures to continue over time, identifying similarities that can serve as a basis for new entrepreneurs.


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Salvador Tamayo, E. F., & Hallo Alvear, R. F. (2017). The professional training of entrepreneurs in administrative and economic areas. Analysis of the ventures generated in the city of Quito. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 2(10.1), 85–96.


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