Políticas lingüísticas del Ecuador con relación al idioma Kichwa
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The main purpose of the following job is to investigate about the Kichwa language, it´s history, the situation of the language in Ecuador and how was the glotopolytic being applied in relation to this language from the time of the Incas until now. Always the men wanted to legislate on the language fixing the correct use of the language or participating on it; also the political power has empowered a language to be imposed as the one with the majority use in a territory. But the practice of the language policies about relations between the languages and their societies are modern concepts that take back some of their antique practices. That is why the studies of this linguistic policies in this work must be analyzed according to the Corpus about the problems of the language in a Macro sense, that means according to its sociolinguistic position, or policy: the identity of the language, the political dimension, the place where the kichwa is at the moment in Ecuador and the period of history where the language really took importance in our country.
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