Risk assessment and financial situation of the subsector of other land transport activities
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This research work focuses on determining the business performance, risk and performance of the subsector of other land transportation activities (ISIC 492); The importance of this subsector lies in the fact that it is transversal to all economic activities and that it helps the productive chains of the different economic sectors. In particular, the impact of calculating the efficiency, profit margin and financial leverage on the performance of the subsector is determined through the DUPONT model, and the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is applied to determine the risk and return. required of the subsector. The study involved 56,146 observations corresponding to the period 2012-2021, which was obtained from the Superintendence of Companies, Securities and Insurance. In the subsector, it was determined that the companies did not present profitability throughout the entire period analyzed, both the ROA and the ROE present negative values, but these negative results are notably accentuated in 2020. In addition, it was found that the subsector H492 It is riskier than the market as a whole, as it has a Beta coefficient of 1.7154. Furthermore, the minimum required return that an investor in the subsector should demand is 9,206%. Knowing and managing financial and risk indicators serve as a basis for business decision-making. Even the level of risk must be exposed by the entities for the good future of the investments.
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