Problems of Ecuadorian university teaching in times of COVID-19
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The coronavirus (covid-19), has plunged the countries of the world into a hurry, not only health and economic, but also educational, which has led many nations to the suspension of traditional teaching activities. Ecuador is part of this reality, its university system is immersed in an urgent transition from face-to-face classes to online formats. The Technical University of Machala is part of this critical moment, which has generated several problems for teachers, which abruptly and in an unusual period has led them to migrate their classes to an educational format other than the traditional one, constituting a hasty leap to the university of the new century, where technology went from being a sporadic tool to becoming a fundamental part of the chair, marking a new level of fatigue and stress in educators. This research used an online survey that collected the responses of teachers from the Technical University of Machala, to identify the level of fatigue and stress through which they are going through the virtualization of their classes, due to the covid-19 pandemic, obtaining data Regarding the problems presented (logistical, technological, pedagogical and socio-affective), and the age (intervals) of each of them, which are analyzed using a two-way ANOVA model. The main results show that the level of fatigue and stress in university teachers has increased, and marks statistically significant differences with respect to age, and not significant in each problem manifested.
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