Analysis of the influence of advertising communication through social networks on students at the Social Communication Career, Guayaquil campus, time night.
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Communication is externalized in a wide field of action in a multi-transdisciplinary way, it is evident in a technological context and cultural consumption. One of the forms of communication is advertising conceptualized as persuasion and promotion of ideas, goods or services, it reflects a socio-cultural reality, which influences the purchase decision-making of consumers, evolving in the face of a network of technological mediations in the society of the information and knowledge society adapts and changes its strategies, in an era of narratives and multimedia platforms in the form of preference for youth audiences, imposing and following trends, in virtual spaces, moving from the classic MASS media to digital media . Consequently, the two main social networks with youth reach are considered for analysis: Facebook and Instagram. The non-probabilistic sample selection, for the convenience of 150 students of the career of social communication at night, at the UPS, Guayaquil, gives as a preliminary result a majority group of women and a segment between 20 to 22 years that according to the products or Advertised services and generating content is identified which creates participation, redefines habits and influences possible action.
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