The Sinergasia and new innovative ventures during the Covid 19 Panemic in Ecuador, first half of 2020

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María Augusta Játiva Pesantez
Jaime Leopoldo Cabezas Maldonado


This bibliographical and historical research aims to find the state of the art of the theory of Synergy, (a science that studies human cooperation and association, as a praxeological theory of the firm; a business entity formed by at least two individuals). by Doctor Leonardo Ravier in the framework of the Austrian School of Economics and as the axiomatic application of ten principles on which this theory is based, serves as an explanation of historical facts of entrepreneurship and that we observe them in the creation of new ventures and applications innovations during the first semester of 2020 in which the whole world in general and Ecuador in particular has been doomed to a situation of destruction of income (and product) of individuals, due to the fall in employment, as a result of the Pandemic of the disease known as COVID 19.

We have therefore observed the creation of new business modalities and productive activities, as a result of the urgent need to proactively adapt cases to the new reality; In any case, from the perspective of resilience entrepreneurship, a creative attitude has been present in the business world and has been observed during these first six months of 2020, despite the restrictions imposed by the State.


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How to Cite
Játiva Pesantez, M. A., & Cabezas Maldonado, J. L. (2020). The Sinergasia and new innovative ventures during the Covid 19 Panemic in Ecuador, first half of 2020. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 5(3.1), 201–215.
Author Biographies

María Augusta Játiva Pesantez, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador

Ecuatoriana. Ingeniera Comercial, Magister en Administración de Empresas, Directora Académica y profesora auxiliar a tiempo completo de la FACIADE, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador. Educadora con más de 20 años de experiencia.

Línea de Investigación: Fortalecimiento de los actores de la economía y desarrollo empresarial

Jaime Leopoldo Cabezas Maldonado, Investigador independiente, Ecuador

Economist, Master in Economics, PhD (c)


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