Performance of the one hundred largest firms and the growth of the Ecuadorian economy. 2010-2016

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María Augusta Játiva Pesantes
Jaime Leopoldo Cabezas Maldonado


The present study compares behavior of the hundred largest private firms registered with the Superintendence of Companies that correspond to the evolution of income, income or Gross Domestic Product –GDP- of Ecuador by economic sectors, during the period between 2010 and 2016; It includes the performance of employment, investment and prices, as they are significant data. The GDP is a magnitude that serves to measure the behavior of an economy, its investment and employment; If your measurement shows increasing, there will be greater welfare in society. The level of employment is directly related to the way human talent contributes to this production in a full, non-precarious way and improves even more if there is a better level of capitalization, therefore, investment. On the other hand, every firm is an organization that seeks to achieve the ends using the media and coordinating exchanges in both the factor and product markets and operates in compliance with the corporate function to achieve valuable objectives for society.


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How to Cite
Játiva Pesantes, M. A., & Cabezas Maldonado, J. L. (2019). Performance of the one hundred largest firms and the growth of the Ecuadorian economy. 2010-2016. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 4(3.2), 172–187.


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