The ISO 21001: 2018 Standard - Normative annex and its impact on higher education students of Lima

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Katelinen Mirian Rivera Paipay
Miguel Ángel Tupac Yupanqui Bustamante


The purpose of the research is to determine the impact of ISO 21001: 2018 - normative appendix in students of the last semester of the preschool education program of a higher education institution in Lima. It is a matter of analyzing issues of educational quality, since the educational systems of various parts of the world have been analyzing the service they are providing to their target audience: students. The institutions that provide education services are aligning their quality management systems in accordance with regulations that guarantee that educational quality that makes them visible as attractive options. The research is descriptive and explanatory, the research design is not experimental because only an impact analysis is made between the variables. The research technique has been the survey. The population is made up of 150 students from the last semester of the pre-school education program, with a sample of 109 students with a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error. Finally, it is concluded that it has a positive impact on students in the last semester of the pre-school education program of a higher education institution in Lima.


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How to Cite
Rivera Paipay, K. M. ., & Tupac Yupanqui Bustamante, M. Ángel . (2019). The ISO 21001: 2018 Standard - Normative annex and its impact on higher education students of Lima. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 4(3.2), 50–62.


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