Experiential experience of schoolchildren in specialized university laboratories and its influence on career preferences

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Víctor Hugo Fernández Bedoya
Susana Edita Paredes Díaz
Josefina Amanda Suyo Vega
Mónica Elisa Meneses La Riva


Schoolchildren feel frequently pressured to decide about their professional future at a young age with the aim of entering the working world as soon as possible, not making a correct choice. the wide variety of careers available in the market; thus César Vallejo University within the program of Seedlings of School Research offers the "walk for science", in which schoolchildren between 14 and 16 years old have experiential experiences in specialized laboratories. It is in this context, that the objective was to determine if this experience influences the preference of the professional career; the sample consisted of 81 schoolchildren from schools in the districts of Los Olivos, San Juan de Lurigancho and Ate; the results showed that the experience experienced in the specialized university laboratories within the "walk through science" influenced the preferences of schoolchildren towards professional careers such as Law (+ 100.00%), Nursing (+ 100.00%), Environmental Engineering (+50.00), Industrial Engineering (+ 20.00%), Psychology (+ 36.36%) and Tourism and Hospitality (+ 71.43%), whose specialized laboratories were part of this journey; concluding that schoolchildren managed to develop affinity for the careers related to the specialized laboratories they visited.


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Fernández Bedoya, V. H., Paredes Díaz, S. E., Suyo Vega, J. A., & Meneses La Riva, M. E. (2020). Experiential experience of schoolchildren in specialized university laboratories and its influence on career preferences. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 5(1), 47–61. https://doi.org/10.33890/innova.v5.n1.2020.1168


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