The leader role in the human talent area and its influence in the competitiveness of the SMEs

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María José Pérez Espinoza
Ana Vanessa Maldonado Córdova
Cecibel del Rocío Espinoza Carrión


The SMEs represent in an employee generator and development to Ecuador, that´s why always companies are looking to implement new strategies and guidelines to improve their competitiveness levels, and the human talent area is one of the keys for the core business and for the development in a medium or long term due to the contribution of the human team that is working for the company. The present investigation paper is centered at identifying what is the leader role in the human talent area, his personal and professional characteristics, the knowledge that should have, the challenges that have to face organizational and personally with his working team. In order that a person starts to develop, that helps to define his particular leadership style in function to the organizational objectives, and has to adopt positions that let him to motivate the people that have in charge, to satisfy the internal clients demands to rise the satisfaction, to line up with the owners and finally to self-motivate and to challenge himself to conquer new results. Finally, to have a full and transformational leadership, is important that the objectives, procedures and the strategies of all the company have to be communicated in a clear way, measurable and reachable.


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How to Cite
Pérez Espinoza, M. J., Maldonado Córdova, A. V., & Espinoza Carrión, C. del R. (2019). The leader role in the human talent area and its influence in the competitiveness of the SMEs. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 4(3.1), 168–183.
Author Biographies

María José Pérez Espinoza, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador, Ecuador

MARÍA JOSÉ PÉREZ ESPINOZA de nacionalidad Ecuatoriana, es Ingeniera en Gestión Empresarial de la Universidad Metropolitana. Recibió su grado de Magister en Administración de Empresas de la UEES Business School. Se desempena como docente en la Universidad Metropolitana, Sede Machala en las cátedras de Administración, Dirección Empresarial, Marketing, Marketing de servicios, Mercados financieros y Negocios Internacionales. Participa activamente en el grupo de investigación Propuestas de mejoras para la Competitividad de las MIPYMES de la Provincia de El Oro -Ecuador, en la Universidad Metropolitana. Ha publicado artículos referentes al estudio de la competitividad y las Empresas Familiares.

Ana Vanessa Maldonado Córdova, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador, Ecuador

Ingeniera en Gestión Empresarial

Docente de la Universidad Metropolitana, Sede Machala

Cecibel del Rocío Espinoza Carrión, Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador

Socióloga y Magister en Gerencia Educativa.

Docente de la Universidad Técnica de Machala


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