The Hospitality in Quito: competitive industry?

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María Dolores Quintana Lombeida


Quito as the capital of Ecuador is part of this research through a descriptive study with observation techniques and bibliographic review in local enterprises and large companies.
Among the elements found is that since the eighties international franchises and hotel chains broke the market with quality and high performance that defied the percentages of corporate activity. In addition, Ecuador has a new Tourism Accommodation Regulation, in force since 2015, where the categories of: tourist farms, lodges with the potentialization of heritage infrastructure and resorts with all food, beverage and recreational services are already incorporated. Among the results found, one of the greatest competitive advantages is the lodging rates recognized as one of the cheapest in America. In addition, the report that reflects the accommodation and food service industry occupied 27.7% of the income generated by employment generation in the sector and the highest concentration of employability is in the Special Tourist Zone "La Mariscal". Finally, the limitation in investment capacities in the small ones in technology and innovation in front of the big franchises and chains stands out.


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How to Cite
Quintana Lombeida, M. D. (2019). The Hospitality in Quito: competitive industry?. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 4(3.2), 89–97.


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