Peruvian global bonds in the american stock market

Lauralinda Leonor Cavero Egúsquiza Vargas, Manuel Alberto Munsibay Muñoa, Irma Milagros Carhuancho Mendoza


Rural tourism in the district of Chacas, department of Ancash, Peru

Luis Guillermo Sicheri Monteverde, Fernando Alexis Nolazco Labajos, Silvia Francisca Malvas Silvestre


Application of the entrepreneurial intent program in the District of Ate

Kriss Calla Vásquez, Yangali Vicente Judith , Rodríguez López José , Maria Auxiliadora Guerrero Bejarano


Generational relations: Between violence and affection

María Gabriela De La Cruz Landazuri, Freddy Aguilar Rodríguez, Italo Chicaiza Aucapiña


Effect of energy segregation in the kuznets environmental curve hypothesis. A study for the ecuadorian Case.

Gabriela Cristina Andrade Rojas, Diana Verónica Ramón Tacuri, Diego Fernando Roldán Monsalve, Juan Pablo Sarmiento Jara
