Analysis of the collection of the Ecuadorian simplified tax regime (RISE) and its importance in the traditional revenues of the General State Budget. 2008-2017 period
Main Article Content
Labor informality is a widespread problem in Ecuador and Latin America in general. Governments design policies to encourage labor formalization, combat tax evasion and increase budget revenues. The Ecuadorian Simplified Tax Regime was designed as a simple and flexible system that facilitates compliance with the fiscal obligations of small entrepreneurs and encourages the incorporation of informal workers into the system. The investigation evaluates the success of this tax regime from the point of view of its contribution to the income of the General State Budget and the evolution of the participation of the income reported by this new regime in the Traditional Income of the budget. The budgeted and actual collections with the new regime were compared as well as its evolution and its participation within the Traditional Income of the budget. Finally, it was verified that the collection of the new system has evolved positively increasing its participation in the Traditional Income of the budget at a faster rate than the total growth of this last indicator.
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