Conceptualization of the e-marketing platform for the promotion of community tourism in the Province of Guayas
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Ecuador has experienced tourism growth that has generated economic well-being, improving the quality of life of citizens and promoting attractive places within the country. Even so, it has not been able to fully exploit the biodiversity of its natural, cultural, environmental and social resources in a sustainable and sustainable manner. Community tourism seeks to solve these gaps, as well as promoting development in rural areas; for this, it needs mechanisms of promotion and diffusion of the cantons that conform the provinces, being the Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC) a powerful channel of marketing. The objective of this article is to present the initial results of the research called: Platform of e-marketing to enhance community tourism in the Province of Guayas, in areas of low development. Three segments were structured: first, community tourism in Ecuador is addressed, as a second aspect the relationship between community tourism and ICT, to finish explaining the conceptualization of the platform to be developed. Which promises to be an effective tool for the promotion of community tourism in Ecuador.
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