The principle of immediacy and probative activity in the Ecuadorian procedural law
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The principle of immediacy in the oral procedural system involves the interaction of the judge in the reception of the evidence, the parties, witnesses and experts, allowing a judicial decision, with the quality information obtained in the hearing. However, what happens when the judges who took part in the evidentiary activity, who gave their oral decision, can not intervene in the elaboration and subscription of the sentence, perhaps other judges, would have to declare the nullity of the proceedings and make a new hearing of judgment to mediate with the test, or through the recording media, other judges can elaborate the sentence. Faced with this situation, the former Supreme Court of Justice issued Resolution No. 564 of October 26, 2011, and the current National Court of Justice issued Resolution No. 18-2017 of November 22, 2017, so that , the central axis of the present work lies in determining whether the aforementioned resolutions violate the principle of probative immediacy in the General Organic Code of Processes and in the Comprehensive Organic Penal Code, addressing this problem through a critical, doctrinal, normative and jurisprudential.
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