Effect of energy segregation in the kuznets environmental curve hypothesis. A study for the ecuadorian Case.

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Gabriela Cristina Andrade Rojas
Diana Verónica Ramón Tacuri
Diego Fernando Roldán Monsalve
Juan Pablo Sarmiento Jara


This study examines the impact of energy-related economic variables on environmental degradation in Ecuador under the Kuznets Environmental Curve (EKC) approach. This model used the methodology of cointegration based on autoregressive distributed lag model during the period 1980-2014, analyzing the impact of the consumption of electricity from renewable sources, dry natural gas and oil in per capita terms in relation to CO2 emissions from energy consumption. The results do not verify the EKC hypothesis; however, it was found that the consumption of energy from renewable sources is not significant for the model. Model forecasts for 2025 indicate an increase in CO2 emissions from energy consumption in Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Andrade Rojas, G. C., Ramón Tacuri, D. V., Roldán Monsalve, D. F., & Sarmiento Jara, J. P. (2019). Effect of energy segregation in the kuznets environmental curve hypothesis. A study for the ecuadorian Case. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 4(2), 102–119. https://doi.org/10.33890/innova.v4.n2.2019.948
Author Biographies

Diego Fernando Roldán Monsalve, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador

Profesor principal de la Facultad de Ciencias Economicas de la Universidad de Cuenca

Doctor en Economía Aplicada

Juan Pablo Sarmiento Jara, University of Cuenca

Profesor principal de la Facultad de Ciencias Economicas de la Universidad de Cuenca

Máster en Economía


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