Generational relations: Between violence and affection

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María Gabriela De La Cruz Landazuri
Freddy Aguilar Rodríguez
Italo Chicaiza Aucapiña


The present dissertation has as purpose to promote a deep reflection on the affective relations between adults and children, to determine its incidence degree in the growth and healthy development of young people, boys and girls.

 To achieve this objective, figures are extracted from the baseline conducted in the province of Napo, corroborated and compared with other research work in the local and national level; once results were obtained in the cantonal survey on the treatment of adults and children they are presented, from the Cantonal Council of Children and Adolescents. Finally, complaints of infringement of rights registered by the Cantonal Protection of Rights Board will be analyzed to try to lead to a kind of outline towards the construction of a culture of peace. The complexity of the subject promotes an interdisciplinary approach, beyond the statistics and conceptions we must have a plural and wide view that scare away the antagonistic tendencies that consider the affective issue without value, and the invariable adjudication of the socio-affective relationship patterns.

 Keywords: Socialization, youth, childhood, vulnerability, violence



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How to Cite
De La Cruz Landazuri, M. G., Aguilar Rodríguez, F., & Chicaiza Aucapiña, I. (2019). Generational relations: Between violence and affection. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 4(2), 72–89.


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