Analysis and selection of data for the solution of professional problems in the career of Automotive Engineering
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In the development of academic activities, particularly those destined to problem-solving tasks throughout different educational levels, it is a common occurrence to present problem statements in addition to the data required as a basis to find a solution. This approach is used traditionally, not only by teachers but also textbooks used in a variety of subject areas, due to the advantages it offers. While the reading, interpretation of the problem statement, and the ability to associate data to the concepts and mathematical relations for its proper solution, constitute an essential element in the connection of theory to practice, it does persist to be, in the researchers’ judgement, an academic approach that not in every case responds to real-life, especially in the practice of the profession. As mentioned before, it is typical in the exercise of the profession, especially in those of technological character, that the professional must establish among a great number of elements or data, those which are actually useful for the solution of a problem. This in contrast to reality where there is rarely a possibility to get data beforehand and it is required to perform a precise analysis to separate superfluous or irrelevant data from what is truly relevant. Therefore, in correspondence to these ideas, the objective of this work is to show a didactic alternative for the solving of profession-related problems by students in the context of the professional training subjects in the Automotive Engineering degree. Furthermore, this work is framed within a current research work performed in this career entitled “Incidence of the methods for professional problem-solving in the achievement of significant learning of the students of the Automotive Engineering degree at UIDE, Guayaquil extension, from April 2018 to March 2019. Proposal for a methodology based on constructivism for the solution of professional problems”.
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