Active methodologies for learning the measuring instrument-micrometer

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Darwin Gregorio Chele Sancan
Edgar Gustavo Vera Puebla


The objective of this study is to promote the use of active methodologies for learning the direct measurement instrument, micrometer, while applying its operating principle, screw-nut. What is described in this article, it can be used for the Metric and the English systems of units (0.01 mm and 0.001 inches respectively), by means of the extension of the graduation scales (which will be limited according to the step of the threaded element used) of the main scale, recorded on the outer cylinder as well as on the vernier scale, engraved on the thimble, whose enlargement of the graduations will depend on the diameter in the area where they are made. A brief introduction was also made on Metrology, measurement systems and units of measure, as well as the measurement instrument used in the present study, as well as a proposal on how to obtain the assessment or resolution of the measurement instrument. In order to achieve the validity of this study, and obtain a meaningful and lasting learning, the following active learning methodologies were used: cooperative work, where students work together to achieve a common goal and they are responsible for all those who work in the group, they can learn from each other, while developing skills of group work; problem-based learning, where students are expected to build their knowledge with problems and real-life cases and project-based learning, where the student from the beginning are faced with active learning through simple engineering projects, methodologies which allow the students to participate actively and be motivated in their training process as a future professional in engineering through proper planning of group activities in classes, guided by the teacher, with meaningful materials conceptually easy to understand. To finalize the study, we proceed to develop an application project, which consists of the development of an element that represents the main scale and vernier scale of a micrometer in wood with their respective graduations.

Keywords: Learning; methodologies; metrology; micrometer; unit system.


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How to Cite
Chele Sancan, D. G., & Vera Puebla, E. G. (2018). Active methodologies for learning the measuring instrument-micrometer. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(10.1), 1–16.
Author Biography

Darwin Gregorio Chele Sancan, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador,Ecuador

Catedrático de la Facultad de Ingeniería Automotriz de la UIDE


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