Reactivación económica ecuatoriana: ¿Impacta al sector productivo en el primer semestre del año 2018? ¿impacta al sector productivo en el primer semestre del año 2018?
Main Article Content
This contribution deals with the impact that the law of economic reactivation proposed by Lenin Moreno´s government has had in Ecuadorian companies with scope to the first semester of the year 2018. It begins checking theory bases on definition of tributes, consequences and behavior of the fiscal deficit, analysis of the headings of the general budget of the State, incentives, and behavior of the national - foreign investment, electronic money and the latest tax reforms of the previous government. In the methodological aspects the panel of experts technique is applied to obtain their criteria and professional experience in the subject matter, it was chosen to work with the livestock, banking, insurance, productive, transport and hotel sectors, the topics to be investigated were divided into three blocks trying to exonerate income tax, management of surplus value, electronic money, debt with the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute, refinancing of external debt, bilateral treaties, growth of the economy, oil destination and economic reactivation. With the same responses, reflections are raised in the discussion and the conclusions are determined.
Keywords: Economic reactivation 2018, impact, Ecuadorian productive sector.
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