The popular and solidarity economy of the production of food derived from fish from the Santa Rosa canton
Main Article Content
Abstract: The research is based on principles and theoretical approaches of Popular and Solidarity Economy through an analysis of entrepreneur families dedicated to the preparation of foods derived from fish from the Santa Rosa canton. The objective demonstrates theoretically and statistically that popular activities are born from opportunity factors and initiatives between family and friends, progressively constitute viable alternatives that promote profitability, as well as an increase in the quality of life and the generation of sources of solidary work. The methodology was based on a mixed approach; of exploratory and descriptive level. In the data collection, interviews, field observation and structured surveys were applied. The universe constituted the total of families of the "new social economy". The results show that the families analyzed have a high level of commitment to entrepreneurship, being the only source of income they have with profitability margins and low level of investment, the cost-benefit ratio is favorable in family contexts under the principles of reciprocity and complementarity articulated to the local economy. The study establishes that the factors that base the productive activity are based on agreements of cultural identity, mechanisms of recognition, environmental sustainability, promoting principles of solidarity and integrality.Abstract: The research is based on principles and theoretical approaches of Popular and Solidarity Economy through an analysis of entrepreneur families dedicated to the preparation of foods derived from fish from the Santa Rosa canton. The objective demonstrates theoretically and statistically that popular activities are born from opportunity factors and initiatives between family and friends, progressively constitute viable alternatives that promote profitability, as well as an increase in the quality of life and the generation of sources of solidary work. The methodology was based on a mixed approach; of exploratory and descriptive level. In the data collection, interviews, field observation and structured surveys were applied. The universe constituted the total of families of the "new social economy". The results show that the families analyzed have a high level of commitment to entrepreneurship, being the only source of income they have with profitability margins and low level of investment, the cost-benefit ratio is favorable in family contexts under the principles of reciprocity and complementarity articulated to the local economy. The study establishes that the factors that base the productive activity are based on agreements of cultural identity, mechanisms of recognition, environmental sustainability, promoting principles of solidarity and integrality.
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