La educación como apoyo en el Fortalecimiento de la cultura Tributaria. Caso: NAF-UCACUE

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Patricio Mendieta


Fulfilling its apostolate of service to the people, the Catholic University of Cuenca launched in 2016 the Core Project of Accounting and Fiscal Support, with the aim of becoming a positive actor in the dissemination of the knowledge inherent to the taxes in the country, and supporting the strengthening of the tax culture of the city of Cuenca. With this background, the Project has organized 17 conferences and talks until August 2018, given by specialists and students of the University, in order to socialize the knowledge inherent to tax compliance and its importance, in the taxpayers of the canton. Thus, in order to quantify the effect of the annotated conferences in the tax culture of the attendees, the corresponding surveys were carried out, which served as the basis for the statistical analysis, where the relationship between the variables studied is recognized, identifying an improvement in the perception of the issues raised after receiving the training, so it is evident the important role that education plays and specifically the University in strengthening the tax culture in our country.


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How to Cite
Mendieta, P. (2018). La educación como apoyo en el Fortalecimiento de la cultura Tributaria. Caso: NAF-UCACUE. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(12), 148–158.


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