La gastronomía como atractivo turístico primario en el centro histórico de Quito

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Juan Francisco Romero Corral


This work analyzes the gastronomy of Quito’s downtown as a primary tourist attraction which is one of the main motivations of the confluence of foreign and national tourists. This historic downtown is one of the most visited attractions in Ecuador because its size and its best preservation. Furthermore, its culinary is one of the main motivations to visit it. This work shows the main characteristics which have allowed the development of the Gastronomic Tourism in Quito’s downtown. This tendency includes a variety of elements of culture, history, knowledge and traditional tastes which are worth to see, such as: the diversity of products, preparations, and the gastronomic offer which are part of its daily food dynamics. The creation of a gastronomic route shows the wide offer that allows consolidating the cookery of Quito’s downtown as a primary tourist attraction. Besides, it was applied a survey to a sample of 100 people in which they were asked with open and closed questions. Moreover, it contained opinion questions by using the Diseño Explicativo Secuencial (DEXPLIS) (Sequential Explanatory Design) in order to get results. This research concludes that the Gastronomic Tourism is a tool to know the material and immaterial heritage.


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How to Cite
Romero Corral, J. F. (2018). La gastronomía como atractivo turístico primario en el centro histórico de Quito. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(11), 194–203.


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