Coaching educativo: desarrollo de competencias en el educando de nivel superior
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The processes of higher education tend to adopt new methodologies in order to potentiate the teaching - learning activities. The main objective of this document is to identify the development of academic competences through the implementation of the educational Coaching process at the higher level. The design of the research is based on an experimental methodology of a pre-experimental type (case study). The sample consisted of a total of 121 students in the accounting career of a public technologist in the city of Guayaquil-Ecuador. Coaching, in general, is a process oriented towards the potential development of the Coachee; In addition, this process can also be approached from other scenarios, for example: sports, work, family, etc. Within the conclusions of the study, it is contemplated that the role of educational Coaching has transforming characteristics in the student, since it is oriented towards the improvement of their competences.
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