La acción tutorial: Análisis de la dinámica intelectual desde la praxis universitaria

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Nanci Coromoto Barrios Briceño
Jenny Andrea Quiroz Villacís


Post-graduate studies have been increasing in recent years, both in quantity offered and in the number of participants enrolled in them, however the number of graduates do not correspond to the number of enrolled. Many culminate their academic charges, but do not fulfill with the presentation of the Title Work requirement for obtaining the nomination, so the intellectual production still does not respond to the expectations that the market and society require. Up to now the different investigations in this regard try to focus the problem towards very specific areas, however the thought processes or the intellectual dynamics that come into play do not seem to have aroused concerns for their investigation, hence the present investigation aimed to identify those processes that are implicit during the development of the tutorial praxis, for it, it was framed within a mixed approach, where the quantitative was framed in a descriptive type research, with no experimental design. The population was conformed by 18 teachers with function as a tutor. The information was obtained through a Lickert-type survey. The qualitative approach allowed the researchers a direct approach with their object of study that is Intellectual Dynamics. The information was obtained through interviews with key informants. The use of different strategies: summaries, under               lining, questioning, among others were evidenced as a strategy of regular use among them. In the same way, the tutorial Praxis requires different ways of thinking for the scientific approach in the scriptural and linguistic development. The results show the importance of affective emotional management in the commitment that both the tutor and the tutee must establish, since this is what allows the intellectual dynamics to flow and the successful development of the tutorial management


Keywords: Intellectual Dynamics, Praxis Tutorial, Emotional Intelligence, Postgraduate


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How to Cite
Barrios Briceño, N. C., & Quiroz Villacís, J. A. (2018). La acción tutorial: Análisis de la dinámica intelectual desde la praxis universitaria. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(10.1), 102–113.
Author Biography

Nanci Coromoto Barrios Briceño, Universidad de Especialidades Espí­ritu Santo, Ecuador

Docente investigadora a tiempo completo de la Escuela de Educación de la facultad de Artes Liberales de la Universidad Especialidades Espíritu Santo


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