La instrucción diferenciada en la evaluación formativa de la matemática

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Tannia Acosta
Mónica Paccha
Haydee Yulan Negrete
Denisse Barre


The Differentiated Instruction in the Formative Assessment of Mathematics

The individual differences that exist in the students of certain learning group, in many cases obstruct teaching labor, because each student has a different way of learning, depending on their previous knowledge.  This research was carried out in order to know how it affects the differentiated instruction in the formative assessment of students.  This was of experimental type with the help of quantitative research, on the basis of field research. In addition, a post-test of Polya experimental design was applied, based on the phases of troubleshooting, forming teams and developing educational documents, according to pedagogical recommendations. The results showed a clear scope of higher scales of learning with regard to those obtained with traditional assessments.

It is concluded that the pedagogical documents responsible for differentiated instruction constitute important elements for the success of this type of learning, so it is recommended to use a problem-based learning and a continuous assessment that allow to timely detect the shortcomings.


Keywords: mathematics, differentiated instruction, formative assessment, higher education.



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How to Cite
Acosta, T., Paccha, M., Yulan Negrete, H., & Barre, D. (2018). La instrucción diferenciada en la evaluación formativa de la matemática. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(8.1), 313–322.


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