influence of disaster risk management on the environmental awareness of the population of Carabayllo district, 2017
Main Article Content
The research sought the cause-effect relationship of the disaster risk management of the Municipality of Carabayllo, in the environmental awareness of the population of the zones vulnerable to disasters, belongs to the level of applied research, descriptive type, the results describe a situation real and cause-effect information, disaster risk management and environmental awareness. A training program on disaster risk management was implemented, with the support of the Municipality, the Civil Defense Sub-Management, a sample of 370 inhabitants, using two questionnaires to know the level of knowledge of disaster risks, in a first stage; in a second, a second questionnaire was administered to determine the effect of the training received. To obtain quantitative information on the results, statistical tests of Kruskal - wallis (K) were used; To test the objectives, the Chi square test, corrected by Yates, and the Friedman test were used. It was concluded that disaster risk management, undertaken by the municipality of Carabayllo, modifies the environmental awareness of the population and specifically modifies the cognitive, affective and behavioral attitude of this population.
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