Financial inclusion of women in the city of Loja.

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Lorena Del Cisne Tacuri Peña
Silvia Alexandra Jaramillo Luzuriaga
Alex Medardo Jumbo Luzuriaga


Financial inclusion means, for individuals and companies, having access to useful and affordable financial products that meet their needs - transactions, payments, savings, credit and insurance - provided responsibly and sustainably (World Bank, 2018). They are two words of increasing use worldwide, which nowadays is increasingly opening up space in our country, which seeks to involve women from their different areas of economic generation and thus defiantly faces the various economic changes and is formed in a who proposes, and acted on such changes. It is essential to emphasize that historically the concept of financial inclusion was considered as an almost non-existent taboo, nowadays it is setting a precedent within the public policies of our country and in a challenging way as it is being addressed.For this reason it is fundamental that financial systems are inclusive and that they are a differentiation of the traditional financial system in which the financial intermediary understands the nature of inclusion, and thus demonstrate efficiency with the use of the portfolio of products offered to their clients in particular. the woman.This is how we started in our study with a historical and general background of financial inclusion of women from the world, national and local level, based on data from Global Findex and the Central Bank of Ecuador.We also identified the real situation of women and their financial inclusion in the city of Loja, and how it has evolved in the different economic sectors; We denote the methodology and results with the collection of databases that allow us to determine access to the local financial system. Finally, we highlight the discussion, with the respective conclusions of our study.Therefore, the importance of financial inclusion and women in the city of Loja must be framed in its essential impact on access to financial services, so that the development in the different economic sectors and its correlation with the woman.


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How to Cite
Tacuri Peña, L. D. C., Jaramillo Luzuriaga, S. A., & Jumbo Luzuriaga, A. M. (2018). Financial inclusion of women in the city of Loja. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(8.1), 257–270.
Author Biography

Lorena Del Cisne Tacuri Peña, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Ecuador

Docente a tiempo completo, Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, Carrera de Economía.


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