Elaboración de una bebida (sucedánea) al café a base de noni (Morinda citrifolia)
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Noni (Morinda citrifolia) is a fruit that has michas nutritional properties, however, due to its peculiar flavor and odor, it is little used as raw material for the creation of attractive products within the market, with added value that improves its palatability. The objective of the research was to take advantage of the fruits of noni in the production of coffee substitute drink as an alternative to caffeinated beverages. To do this, a randomized block statistical design was used, with three treatments and the repetitions were represented by 40 penalists who gave their respective results in the selection of the best formula. All the variables were subjected to the analysis of the variance by means of the Tukey test at 5% probability. It was subjected to roasting and grinding until obtaining a fine granulometry; mixtures were made using sugar, water, cinnamon and vanilla essence, the proportion of noni was 5 kg for each treatment. The drink was prepared for the tasting, determining the highest acceptance rate, as well as the sensory characterization. From the results obtained, the sample of greatest acceptability for its pleasant aroma and flavor was the drink of treatment two, using noni 5 kg, sugar 4 kg, water 2 liters, cinnamon 10 g and vanilla essence 150 cc.
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