The relationship of decision-making and educational management in teachers managers of the university

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Judith Soledad Yangali Vicente
José Luis Rodríguez López
Melba Rita Vásquez Tomás
José Gabriel Chahuara Ardiles


The research aimed to determine the direct relationship between decision making and educational management in teachers of the private university Sergio Bernales. In educational management, decision-making is a determining factor in the resolution of problems, the pedagogical leader is the managing teacher, who assumes functions inherent to management, as well as actions linked to university social responsibility and research; who is responsible for making decisions, to achieve institutional objectives. The research was of the type applied with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design and quantitative approach. The data analysis method used was the Pearson correlation. The population was made up of 84 university professors from the systems engineering, obstetrics and law and political science courses at the private university Sergio Bernales, located in the province of Cañete, Lima. The data collection instrument was a checklist applied to a sample of 42 teachers. Concluding that there is a direct relationship between decision making and educational management in the teachers of the private university Sergio Bernales.

Keywords: pedagogical leader, university students, problem solving.


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How to Cite
Yangali Vicente, J. S., Rodríguez López, J. L., Vásquez Tomás, M. R., & Chahuara Ardiles, J. G. (2018). The relationship of decision-making and educational management in teachers managers of the university. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(8.1), 60–76.
Author Biographies

Judith Soledad Yangali Vicente, Universidad Nacional de Cañete, Perú

Docente investigadora, encargada de la Direccion de RSU.

Melba Rita Vásquez Tomás, Universidad Santo Domingo de Guzmán, Perú

Docente investigadora


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