Utilización del middleware orocos para la implementación de controladores en tiempo real
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The article shows how to use the OROCOS middleware as an instrument to perform controllers in real time and applying it to the model of a plant composed of a motor-generator set. The design of the plant is evaluated by experimenting with three types of controllers such as the proportional, proportional-integral and the proportional-integral-derivative designed by software and samples are taken every 10 milliseconds of the controlled variable, which in this case is the speed and so see their behavior. The effectiveness of the controller is looked at in real time at the moment that the controlled variable immediately follows the value of the set-point in several administered tests, observing as a result its mean and its standard deviation with respect to the three controllers, to know which one is better. The real-time algorithm that best adapted to the speed control was a PID, reacting adequately with each experimental change of the set-point variable.
Keywords: control systema, middleware, motor dc, orocos, pid.
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