La planificación estratégica y su incidencia en la competitividad de la microempresa del sector de muebles de madera del cantón Cuenca en la provincia del Azuay
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The research executes the analysis of the influence of strategic planning on the competitiveness of the micro firms of the wood furniture manufacturing sector of the canton Cuenca in the province of Azuay in the Republic of Ecuador. For this, a model of competitiveness analysis is elaborated and is formed by three constructs or variables. The first variable related to the strategic planning process, with some indicators: the planning process in the last two years, the basic strategy, the decision-making policies, the planning team work, the specific objectives, the SWOT analysis (strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, threats), frequency of new entrants, benchmarking analysis. The second variable about the implementation of the strategy, with its indicators: changes and achievement of objectives, allocation of resources. And one last variable that measures the level of competitiveness achieved. The research begins with the analysis of the literature, then the research questions, objectives and hypotheses are raised; then the model is proposed whose validation and verification is executed with structural equations, to elaborate the results, conclusions and recommendations for future researches.
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