Importance of generic competences in the training of the lawyer, an appreciation of teachers
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Higher education needs to be linked to the needs of practice of professionals. It is necessary to understand which generic skills are important in the formation of legal practicioners from a faculty perspective. This quantitative analysis builds up on a descriptive study of the current state of competency building of law students. Data was collected at once in a cross sectional study, providing a momentary snapshot. The purpose was to analyze evidence of the importance of generic skills in a group.
There is coincidence between the competencies that law faculty consider as important with the ALFA Tuning Latin America project: Capacity to abstract, analysing and synthesizing as well as problem identification, formulation and solution capacities. There are two coincidences with the Tuning Europe project: Basic general knowledge and critical and autocritical capacity.
Policy ecuadorian reform has forced law faculty to take on more administrative and research responsibility, driving them away from practicing the law profession. This casts doubt that students will be able to develop the necessary practical capabilities of legal practicionars
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