La economía creativa en Ecuador: un análisis retrospectivo en la provincia de Cotopaxi durante el período 2012 –2015

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Cristian Rodrigo Molina Quinteros
Maria Elena Jerez Calero
Luis Benigno Palomino-Siza


The creative economy is oriented to serve as an integrating construct between creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and culture; being the set of interrelated activities that allow the chaining of ideas, with the purpose of transforming them into goods and cultural services, taking into account that their value would be determined by their content of intellectual property. Taking into consideration the existing theoretical approaches within the framework of this theory, it can be located in the context of the epistemological current of structuralism. At the same time, this evolving concept is based on the potential of creative assets as a generator of development and economic growth, highlighting that creativity is understood as the ability to provide new answers and innovative business practices in the face of the challenges that currently are facing individuals, societies, companies and territories. Thus, the objective of this research aims to disseminate the presence of this sector of the economy in the province of Cotopaxi - Ecuador; approaching the subject from a documentary perspective, which describes the retrospective radiography of the business structure belonging to the creative economy in the period 2012 - 2015, based on the data of the Business Directory of the National Institute of Statistics and Census.


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How to Cite
Molina Quinteros, C. R., Jerez Calero, M. E., & Palomino-Siza, L. B. (2018). La economía creativa en Ecuador: un análisis retrospectivo en la provincia de Cotopaxi durante el período 2012 –2015. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(11), 109–118.
Author Biography

Maria Elena Jerez Calero, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas,Ecuador

Docente investigador del Departamento de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y de Comercio


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