Importance of pre-professional practices for students of Higher Education at the University of Guayaquil
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In Ecuador in the various advertisements to search for future candidates, in the best case they ask for work experience, which limits the work opportunity of these possible candidates, in accordance with the previous paragraph, the unknowns are answered alone that situation, "I'm not ready." It can then be understood that a large number of the students of the IES are people who in some cases have little or no work experience, so that pre-professional practices would be a key contribution for the insertion of students in the labor market, taking into account result in a consolidation between academia and real work practice. Many companies, on the other hand, do not understand this sense of pre-professional practice, it is important an approach by the IES, to socialize the spirit of the development of pre-professional practice, to let them know what is really sought with this academic activity , the ignorance of this purpose by employers, is often reflected in the activities or tasks that are entrusted to the student to perform or perform the practice, tasks of little importance, which do not help develop what they learned in their training academic.
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