La calidad en el sector servicios: El reto para la competitividad turística del Ecuador, experiencias de su aplicación
Main Article Content
Abstract: The quality of the current commercial dynamics becomes the main differentiating
factor in an increasingly competitive market, even more in the services sector, where the
growing emergence of new emerging destinations and the constant diversification of Tourist
products, has developed a thin line between the offer and the decision of purchase or return
by the client. In Ecuador, this is an element that has become more and more relevant in recent
years, the implementation of quality standards and models has been concentrated mainly in
the establishments oriented towards a receptive market, as well as in the main Destinations in
the country, however, as a public policy aimed at promoting tourism quality is being put in
place, the language of quality has been progressively included in other territories and markets.
This work includes some experiences obtained in the application of quality in the services
sector, as part of a process of formation and articulation with the business sector, mainly in
small and medium-sized tourism companies and hospitality.
Keywords: Quality in service, SERVQUAL, Quality management in tourism and hospitality
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