Admission process and leveling course in the entrance to the university. A case study

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Fabián Eugenio Bravo Guerrero
Lourdes Illescas-Peña
Tatiana Quezada


There are some criticisms of the access system to the ecuadorian university because many students fail to achieve access to the careers of their preference or vocation; for that reason, an investigation was made to the admission process and leveling course taken by the students who entered the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of the University of Cuenca. It is important to demostrate with real values these statements. To achieve this, students were analyzed who were admitted and entered the leveling course between September 2015 and February 2016, through surveys at the beginning and end of the course. Based on the results of the scores of the National Exam for Higher Education -ENES- with which the students entered the careers, it was compared with the careers of preference, and the experience after taking the leveling course in the faculty.


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How to Cite
Bravo Guerrero, F. E., Illescas-Peña, L., & Quezada, T. (2018). Admission process and leveling course in the entrance to the university. A case study. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(10), 134–141.


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