Especificaciones metodológicas para el desempeño docente en nivelación de carreras de educación en el marco del modelo pedagógico universitario
Main Article Content
The objective of this research is to identify the methodologies applied by the
teachers of leveling in Education Faculty, Humanities and
Technology Sciences of the
National University of Chimborazo, as well as the appreciation according these
methodologies by the students. A questionnaire was elaborated with questions of the official
curriculum; this is an instrument validated by experts an
d this was applied to teachers and
also a sample to students. The finding shows that there is a correlation between the opinions
of the two stakeholder groups consulted; however, the student criteria is less frequently used
for these activities. As a conse
quence, a proposal of methodological specifications guided by
the institutional pedagogical model is structured; this strategy after validation will enter
piloting with a sample to teachers and students. The conclusion is that this methodology must
the cycle of continuous improvement as a scientific theory, this guides the culture of
academic research; in addition, methodologies must be constantly innovated.
Article Details
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