The application of the cross-border commercial basket as a measure of commercial reactivation in Carchi -Ecuador. An analysis of projections with a polynomial tendency.
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The devaluation of the Colombian peso against the dollar, the application of safeguards by the Ecuadorian government, the drop in the price of oil worldwide, among other factors, depressed border trade in Ecuador, essentially in the province of Carchi where the main income economic is by commercial activities with the department of Nariño, south of Colombia. One of the measures adopted by the Government of Rafael Correa was to declare the Province of Carchi as "depressed area" on August 18th, 2015, and whose objective was that merchants registered in the Internal Revenue Service SRI, can acquire products in Colombia to sell them in your locality at competitive prices generating commercial reactivation. This research uses the analytical and systemic method, with a technical approach applied in two cases of companies in the commercial sector, using projections with a polynomial tendency to reach diagnostic conclusions.
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