Evolution of Electronic Devices in an Automobile

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Diego Gustavo Pérez Darquea


This paper review presents a study of the nature and technological development in the electronic part of a car, being important an analysis of the technical, economic and environmental characteristics to be considered in order to manufacture a part and / or component of a vehicle specifications. In this study, we discuss the deep transformations that have occurred in recent years in the electrical-electronic part of a vehicle and present the advantages that these changes have provided. The electronic devices have evolved fundamentally in that their characteristics allow to respond to the new regulatory and commercial requirements to which the present automobile must face. The vehicles with the passing of time have new functionalities, starting with the replacement of functions, management of elements through software and the diagnosis of faults and faults. The development of new systems of a vehicle focuses on the design of the different configurations and electronic elements that control the state of the vehicle and how different communication characteristics are applied. The applications of these electronic devices have been gradually implemented in the different systems of a vehicle such as engine, brakes, transmission, steering, safety, comfort. In short, they have come to replace the mechanical elements and their functions.


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How to Cite
Pérez Darquea, D. G. (2018). Evolution of Electronic Devices in an Automobile. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 3(2), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.33890/innova.v3.n2.2018.616


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